Organisational Solutions

Speed Limit Reviews have been a significant focus over the past four years.  This project is a large and complex project involving multiple briefings to Councils, Agenda items and reporting.  This has been undertaken with a backdrop of changing national legislation and national speed management guidance.  Under the new 2022 Rule, we have also produced new Interim Speed Management Plans and provided input into the new Regional Speed Management Plans.

We have managed speed limit reviews across Northland, providing a consistent process that has included the preparation of technical reviews, mapping, community engagement, media, and final recommendations to Council.

Our speed limit reviews have taken a catchment wide process and has included:

  • Kaipara – Tara Road; Mangawhai-Kaiwaka; Poutu Peninsula and West Coast.
  • Other Recent Projects:


    Submissions We have prepared submissions and supported clients on district...

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    Other Recent Projects:


    Submissions We have prepared submissions and supported clients on district...

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