Organisational Solutions

We have prepared submissions and supported clients on district and regional plans, as well as national legislation.  Some of the topics we have supported clients in making submissions include:

  • WDC District Plan Change Trees client Northland Transportation Alliance.  This submission focussed on the effects of the Proposed Plan Change on the roading network and the ability to undertake vegetation clearance to maintain road safety.  Our submissions were successful in achieving the overall aims of our client.
  • Setting of Seed Limits Rule 2022 – Client Northland Transportation Alliance and Northland Regional Council.  This submission focussed on a range of changes to the new Rule to address specific speed limit related issues in Northland.  We were successful in getting a number of our clients concerns addressed, including a specific rule relating to speed limit signage on beaches.  
  • KDC Private Plan Change – Mangawhai Central – Client Northland Transportation Alliance.  This submission included the preparation of the submission, Further submissions, pre-hearing meetings with the plan change applicant, and presentation to an independant Hearings Committee.

Other Recent Projects: